Which is the Best WordPress Hosting? WP Engine or Kinsta 2022

Which is the best WordPress hosting? WP Engine or Kinsta

WP Engine or Kinsta WordPress hosting that’s the question on everyone’s mind these days when it comes to. Both of these companies are great options for WordPress hosting, and they both have their pros and cons. So, how do you decide which one is right for you? In this article, we will compare WP Engine and Kinsta in detail and help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs.

Why Choose Kinsta Hosting Over WP Engine for WordPress?

Kinsta is a newer company that was founded in 2013, while WP Engine has been around since 2010. Kinsta is owned by the same company that owns DigitalOcean and SiteGround, so they have a lot of experience with web hosting. Kinsta also uses Google Cloud Platform for their servers, which is known for being one of the most reliable cloud platforms in the world.

Kinsta has some great features that WP Engine doesn’t offer, including:

-Free migrations from other hosts

-Staging sites

-Automatic backups and restore points

-PHP seven support

-CDN integration

These are all great features that can make your WordPress site run faster and smoother.

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Why Choose WP Engine VS Kinsta for WordPress?

WP Engine is a more established company than Kinsta, and they have a lot of experience in the WordPress hosting industry. WP Engine also uses Amazon Web Services for their servers, which is another highly reliable cloud platform.

WP Engine has some great features that Kinsta doesn’t offer, including:

-Free migrations from other hosts

-Staging sites

-Automatic backups and restore points

-PHP seven support

-CDN integration

These are all great features that can make your WordPress site run faster and smoother.

Why Your Website Needs a CDN

A CDN, or content delivery network, is a great way to speed up your website. A CDN stores copies of your website’s files on servers all over the world, so that your visitors can access them from the nearest server. This can dramatically improve your website’s loading time, especially for people who are located far away from your main server.

Both WP Engine and Kinsta offer integration with popular CDNs like Cloudflare and MaxCDN. But if you need a more powerful or specialized CDN, then Kinsta is the better option. They have built-in support for many different types of CDNs, including Amazon CloudFront and KeyCDN.

What is a Staging Website?

A staging website is a copy of your live website that you can use for testing purposes. This is a great way to try out new plugins, themes, or changes to your website without affecting the live version.

WP Engine and Kinsta both offer free staging websites for their customers. But WP Engine’s staging sites are limited to just two installations, while Kinsta’s staging sites can have unlimited installations.

WordPress Speed WP Engine or Kinsta Test

To test the speed of WP Engine and Kinsta, we used the tool Pingdom. We tested a website that had been hosted on both platforms.

The results were very close, but Kinsta was a bit faster overall. The average load time for Kinsta was 49 milliseconds, while WP Engine’s average load time was 58 milliseconds.

In our tests, Kinsta was the clear winner when it came to speed.

Website Security WP Engine or Kinsta

Both WP Engine and Kinsta offer great security features for your WordPress website. They both have firewalls, malware scanning, and intrusion detection systems.

But Kinsta takes security a step further with their proprietary security measures. These include two-factor authentication, IP whitelisting, server-side virus scanning, and more.

Kinsta is the clear winner when it comes to website security.

Customer Support WP Engine or Kinsta

Both WP Engine and Kinsta offer great customer support. They both have 24/seven email support, live chat support, and phone support.

But Kinsta’s customer support is a bit better. Their live chat support is always available, they have a ticketing system that responds quickly, and they even have a knowledge base where you can find answers to common questions.

Kinsta is the clear winner when it comes to customer support.

What Theme To Use With WordPress

We recommend using Elementor. You can check out our full review of why Elementor is the best theme for building your WordPress website. 10 Reasons Why Elementor Is the Best WordPress Plugin.

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