How Lead Generation Works: Everything You Need to Know Do you want to learn how lead generation works? In this blog post, we will discuss how businesses can generate leads and convert them into customers. We will go over the different methods that are used to generate leads, and how you can improve your conversion […]
Do you dream of building an incredible social network on WordPress? If so, you will love today’s review of ProfileGrid, a fantastic user profile and community plugin. It’s clear that creating a formidable community site on WordPress is as difficult as grasping a shadow, and I honestly feel for you. However, worry no more as […]
Medium is a hybrid between a blogging platform and a social network. Sophie Maoura, the head of B2B partnerships in Medium calls it a social content platform. In their own words, “Medium is a place where words matter” so it’s no surprise that Medium is favored by bloggers, but it still remains behind WordPress in […]
Did you know that you can give other people access to manage your site? By using WordPress user roles, you can collaborate with people safely and easily, assign different access levels to your site and the content that lies within. In this article, we will cover how WordPress user roles work and how to configure […]
cPanel and Plesk are two of the most well known control panels today. Both have a superb set of features and are definitely ahead of the rest. They each compete on the same market with cPanel having a slight edge due to it’s popularity. Today I’m going to compare cPanel vs Plesk side by side. […]